Guns a Blazin'
Thursday, December 01, 2005Hey all, heading out for the day, but thought I would let y'all know I officially have a date tonight. Gun Show Girl and I have a date planned to go to Liquor Lyle's for happy hour then head across town and check out my area since she's not familiar!
Was hanging the art show today, but I'll be back with Slacker's Spotlight and a recap of the date tomorrow!
Wish me luck!
posted by Chief Slacker @ 4:40 PM,
- At Thu Dec 01, 05:26:00 PM, said...
Hit it on the first date!
- At Thu Dec 01, 05:59:00 PM, Kira said...
Good luck!
- At Thu Dec 01, 08:57:00 PM, Marie said...
Awesome! I hope you had a great date and good stories to tell. :)
- At Thu Dec 01, 10:26:00 PM, Aliecat said...
Good Luck! Compliment her shoes or hair!
- At Fri Dec 02, 12:11:00 PM, Chief Slacker said...
Cap B - Got some minor play, not the whole shebang though ;O)
Kira - Thanks!
S.C. - Thanks as well and you keep thiking, somehting good will come ;o)
Marie - Yeah it was pretty darn good!
Aliecat - I don't think I got the hari, but I did compilent the boots ;O)