Thursday, May 04, 2006
It's amazing how much can change, and how much can still stay the same all at once.
For the last week I've been pretty sick. All of the health problems I've had for the last month came to a head and are finally resolved. I did luck out and it ended up being one of the better prognoses I could hope for. I did have to live through one day of really nasty pain, but came out good to go on the other side.
When they did some of the stuff it came back and there was a decent chance I could have had something really nasty wrong with me. For a good chunk of this last weekend I had to consider the fact that I may have had cancer or something equally scary, but it turns out it was just an infection. The antibiotics have kicked in and now I feel tip friggin top!
So tippity top that when I got to work today and was told it very well could be my last day by Idiot Boss and Boss' Boss, that it really didn't phase me. yeah, IB is back to he same stupid tricks. Because I was completely out of commission on Monday and was not able to call in, he used that as a violation of my improvement plan, and for one day had revoked my building and network access. After explaining what had happened he did reinstate access, but when I got to work today I had a little "discussion" with IB and BB wherein they told me the best case scenario for the day was that I would end up with a written final notice. they went back and looked at my record this year and are using the few times I was late and the time calling in sick after 9am as violations of my plan. I was told I would be hearing back from them when they made a decision about what was going to happen. I never did hear anything until I asked IB at the end of the day what was decided and I was told there would be a written notice in my mailbox in the morning and they scheduled a meeting for 8:30am. Obviously in talking with HR they found out they most likely couldn't fire me due to the protection of the Family Medical Leave Act and also that they wouldn't be able to prove when there were phone calls made.
Anyway, yeah, it's time for some renewed vigor and a fresh start if I ever could think of a better time. That job search is going to kick back into High Gear and I'm going to take advantage of feeling better right now than I have in a long time.
Time to start getting you all some fun posts again!
Amazing how sometimes the best news can simply be not hearing the worst news even if the news still isn't good.
So yeah, Keep slackin', and be happy that ya can!
posted by Chief Slacker @ 4:16 PM,
At Thu May 04, 06:18:00 PM,
Porq said...
Chief, Good luck in trying to rid yourself from IB!! It's a shame that even though you often said you liked your employment, if the people there suck, ya gotsta go!!
I'm rootin' fer ya buddy!!
OINK - pleasantly employed by a government entity and probably has more fun at work that Capt. Bee during SPRING BREAK!!
At Thu May 04, 11:34:00 PM,
Glad to hear that you are ok. Not cool that you were out of commission. I missed hearing about your life, the lost loves and IB. I will be seeing you in the fall as I have the U of M as one of my colleges that I will be recruiting at. I will be there a lot. Miss ya!
At Fri May 05, 12:29:00 PM,
Don't push yourself too hard too fast. I missed 4 days of work last month and was on the couch the weekend adjoining those 4 days.
I went to work that next Monday thinking I was 100% when I just felt so much better than I had that I simply thought I was at 100%. By the end of the day I was dragging.
Don't be afraid to take an extra night off sitting in front of the TV and drinking a recuperative beer. Laundry can wait.
At Sun May 07, 11:33:00 AM,
Carrie said...
like my dad said.. Good luck in the job search.
working in the right place (especially for someone who's NOT an idiot) can do wonders for you.
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