Thursday, February 09, 2006
Unbeknownst to me there had been a stomach virus going around. Mean little bastard get in ya, then ties yours stomach up in knots and convinces it to reject any substance you attempt to eat or drink. Luckily it only sticks around for a day then packs up and find some other unsuspecting soul. Not so much fun none the less.
So yeah, I spent the last day being ill again. I did manage to get the Wednesday Wist posted of on the Audio Edition and it links to an updated version of the Slacker Music Library. Definitely check it out.
Anyway this weekend should be really fun. Runt, from South Carolina, is coming up to visit. We dated a while back and lost touch for a while but have been back talking again and she decided that she wanted to come up and hang out again. She'll be getting here about 4:45 tonight and heading out in the afternoon on Sunday. Should be a very fun time! :O) Mother Nature decided to be mean though and is giving us one of the coldest weekends of the year. heh. It'll be fun anyway.
Anyway I have to get stuff done since I'm taking any early day to pick up Runt at the air port!
Later all! Keep slackin!
posted by Chief Slacker @ 11:02 AM,
At Thu Feb 09, 03:50:00 PM,
that's good...get her sick now...jeesh
At Fri Feb 10, 08:11:00 AM,
Anisa said...
get better!! how are you going to slack properly if you're sick? ;)
At Sat Feb 11, 07:26:00 AM,
Kira said...
dare I ask why she's called Runt?
At Sat Feb 11, 10:28:00 AM,
Carrie said...
hope you're feeling better and your weekend with Runt goes well!
PS... doing my part to up the visits/day business...
At Tue Feb 14, 01:21:00 AM,
Chief Slacker said...
Wendi - Nah, it was a short term virus.
Anisa - Oh there are ways... ther are ways :O)
Kira - Bnecause she's 4'11" :O)
Carrie - Thanks for the visits! Hopefully I can get them back up there.
nicholas - It was a good weekend! :O)
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