Wednesday, February 22, 2006
P.S. The wednesday wist is being postponed one day from it's regular time becuse I'm a dumbass who though he was safe when they sent out the mass email about not saving music on the network because he thought it was saved on his hard drive when in actuality his "My Documents" folder seemingly on the desktop was sneakily on the network. In a non-run on: the network ate my music.
P.P.S. (hehe, he typed P.P.)(ok, I'm hereby disappointed in myself for that last comment)(and for self-commenting a self-comment)(Doh!)YEAH!!! I succeded! I made it through ALL of them and read a minimum of two posts on each of your kick ass blogs and left at least one comment. Most impressively, I didn't once screw up the stupid word verification words! hah! Ahhhh Ha hA Ha hA HAH!
posted by Chief Slacker @ 4:49 PM,
- At Wed Feb 22, 05:39:00 PM, said...
The odd capitalization on the "ha ha" is pretty fucking funny.
- At Wed Feb 22, 06:04:00 PM, Chief Slacker said...
yup. the enunciation must change throughout the laigh or it's not nearly maniacal enough!
- At Wed Feb 22, 07:07:00 PM, Taylor said...
Hey! Thanks for stopping by! I haven't heard from you in a while...or should I say, about you! ROFL!
Sounds like a plateful...hope you accomplish it all! ....evil laugh.... - At Wed Feb 22, 09:19:00 PM, Denise B. said...
nice to hear from you again!! It has been forever since I read EVERY blog on my list, but I try to stop by random ones here and there.
- At Thu Feb 23, 01:17:00 AM, Michelle said...
HI...popped in via ...umm...Mr. Fab's blog I think. Just wanted to say hi!!!! Hi!
- At Thu Feb 23, 03:46:00 AM, Tamanna said...
Ah well, done...you've made it to the Fs at least, I see!
- At Thu Feb 23, 09:49:00 AM, Unknown said...
Very exciting! :)
- At Thu Feb 23, 03:31:00 PM, Carrie said...
hey slacker... you KNOW I read... not just hit. (Cause i'm that kind of girl!)
I had the network chew-screw happen many times, too. Of course, I've also had troy deleted over 1000 songs from the computer. take my advice... DON'T marry Troy if you wnat your music to stay around!
actually, don't marry Troy at all. cause he's mine. and that would be rude. :)