Wednesday, February 15, 2006
So I made it through Worstest Day. WoW made for a good distraction. I got my Dwarf Warrior, Thuglas, about a level and a half higher. Almost up to 47. As stupid as it sounds I think playing that was actually a good thing for me. I have to think and stuff and it keeps me distracted instead of just sitting there sulking and dwelling on the fact that I severely hate that day. I'm not the type to call up people or really go out and do anything when I'm in a mood like that so if I'm at home with nothing to do, it's easy to enter downward spiral mode. About the only friend I get a hold of then it my buddy Jack Daniels. heh.
Big Mike had to find a way to schedule in two dates last night. A third one was postponed to Saturday. I don't think he really caught the irritation hidden in the sarcasm when I said " Gee, Must suck to be you." It's pretty sad that he doesn't really even like these girls and only keeps them around for the sex and has three dates and I had jack shit. I did have a chance to hang out with Conservative Girl since her church date got cancelled, but I really don't think that would have made me feel any better.
Anyway, the day has past (yay!) and I'm one day closer to a 3.5 day weekend. Rock on. We get this Monday off from work and we're getting free lunch on Friday, so I'm going to put in a half day, then have a nice loooong weekend. This will be good. I'm sure I'll end up playing WoW for most of it, I want to get my guy up to 60 ASAP so I can start a new one and also start doing all the fun big instances. Yeah, I am a huge dork, deal with it.:O)
Ok, back to work. I think I need to out that Metal Church CD on... it's been a while.
Later taters.
posted by Chief Slacker @ 1:16 PM,
At Thu Feb 16, 05:57:00 AM,
Porq said...
Hey!!! What's the story about the job with Mr. Dorkboss and the possibility of moving to another department. Maybe I've been "slacking" in reading your blog but I don't remember anything about the job totally sucking and the boss-jerk pissing you off only you bitching about not getting any wimmim!! Sucks to grow old... but better than being DEAD!! Use some of Captain Bee's moves and you are bound to score!!!
Keep the faith brother!!
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