Audio-Visual Week!!!
Monday, February 27, 2006So to get this whole re-energiziation of The Daily Slacker going strong I decided that 1) It needed to be slimmed down a bit 2) needed something fun and exciting.
So, as the corporate world likes to say, I "leaned" out some of the Daily Slacker operations by eliminating and extra "edition." Now, instead of there being and Audio and a Visual Edition, and with some inspiration from probably the best publication of all time (The Onion) they have been consolidated into the much cooler Audio-Visual Edition.
As for the fun and Exciting? I give you:
Here's the Schedule for the Sights and Sounds of Slacking kickoff!
Make sure to cast your vote for Friday's Audio and Visual!
Text Post: Intro to the AV Edition
Audio Post: Hello Slackers!
Visual Post: Slacker Video!
Text Post: The Social Weekend Recap
Audio Post: Audioblog
Visual Post: Xmas 05!
Text Post: Wednesday Wist
Audio Post: Clips of the Wednesday Wist
Visual Post: Packer Game!
Text Post: Hated Drivers
Audio Post: Audioblog
Visual Post: Puerto Rico!
Text Post: Challenge to You!
Audio Post: You pick it!!
Visual Post: You pick it!!
(For the Audio and Visual posts, you comment YOU want to see and hear! I'll try and do it!)
Text Post: Slacker's Saturday Spotlight
Audio Post: TBD
Visual Post: New Condo Items
As you can see, it'll be a busy week!
posted by Chief Slacker @ 7:08 PM,
- At Tue Feb 28, 07:56:00 AM, Kim said...
Impressive! I'm jealous, simply getting a post to appear on Blogger constitutes the extent of my computer whiz abilities, I can't imagine taking on a project as great as the one you propose. I hope it is a successful endeavor!