Got my vote!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008I'm postponing my review of dating services to being you this special message.
You know, I hate Paris Hilton. Really. However, one thing I hate MUCH more are all the stupid political ads we have to deal with on TV. Previously the only time I've ever liked Paris Hilton is the scene in House of Wax where she gets impaled and dies. This rebuttal to McCain using her as an example in one of his ads, however, gives her one more semi-redeeming appearance.
See more funny videos at Funny or Die
posted by Chief Slacker @ 10:12 AM,
- At Thu Aug 07, 03:47:00 PM, Porq said...
Welcome back CHIEF!!
I truly missed your mispelled words "taht" always appears in your blogs.
At least you know somebody is reading them!!