How to Make Thousands of People Gephyrophobic in Three Easy Steps.
Monday, August 06, 2007Step 1: Have a catastrophic, deadly failure of a major interstate bridge. Exhibit A
Step 2: Publicize the fact that the bridge taht collapsed was "structurally deficiant" and upwards of 25% of all the bridges in the nation may fall in that category. Exhibit B
Step 3: Actually publish a list of all the major bridges in the state that are rated "struturally deficient" so people can see that they drive over at least one of these bridges a couple times a day, every day. Exhibit C
Yes, it's just that easy. Now you too can join the ranks of the Gephyrophobics.
I'm quite certain the local chapter meetings are going to need a MUCH larger meeting space now.
My thoughts go out to all those affected once again.
posted by Chief Slacker @ 9:44 AM,
- At Mon Aug 06, 02:14:00 PM, Porq said...
Here we go again...
OINK - At Mon Aug 06, 09:36:00 PM, Chief Slacker said...
BAH! I spell checked it, the rewrote stuff and apparently mispelled :O( boo.