Thank you!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006Thank you Betsy Hannaford (and daughter) for your voices of protest for while we were stuck in traffic!
And a HUGE thanks to this guy, who may just be my favorite Minnesotan right now:
Photo by MN Publius
posted by Chief Slacker @ 1:34 PM,
- At Wed Aug 23, 02:17:00 PM, said...
It looks like Lord Vader has fallen on hard times. Just the other day I saw him standing by the side of the road with a sign that said, "Will choke your enemies to death with just a movement of my hand for food."
- At Wed Aug 23, 06:35:00 PM, Aliecat said...
Delmer- hahahaha! That's exactly what I was thinking!
- At Thu Aug 24, 08:50:00 AM, OzzyC said...
...the dark side of politics...
LMAO! - At Sun Aug 27, 03:23:00 PM, OzzyC said...
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- At Sun Aug 27, 03:24:00 PM, said...
As I mentioned earlier, the family will be up in your neck of the woods for the RenFest. You indicated that you want to get together while we're there. We'll be in the cities on Friday night and Saturday (hitting the festival on Saturday). If you still have my email, drop a line and we'll arrange things. If not, let me know on my blog and I'll notify you how to reach me.
OzzyC - At Fri Sep 01, 07:49:00 AM, OzzyC said...
Hey Slacker!! I'm coming up this weekend. We getting together or what?