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The Daily SlackerThe Daily Slacker

Gotta Love Fun Weekends!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ahh yes, nice fun filled weekends. Gotta love em!

Friday -

The weekend started out with a nice relaxing evening seeing the Minnesota Orchestra in downtown Mini-Apple. Yes, indeed, this Slacker is not just another internet geek, he actually does have some culture. After G-Spot bailed on me I had to call around and eventually got Conservative Girl to come with.

It was a good performance. The opener was a short opus by someone I hadn't really heard of, but it was nice and spunky. The first of the two main pieces was Sibelius' 4th Symphony. The conductor (Osmo Vanska) himself said it was more demanding of the audience because it wasn't written with the audience in mind. Moreso, it was a very internal piece written to express the turmoil in his life. I actually found this to be very entertaining.

Maybe it's the ADD, but I love the complex classical pieces. Most people like the more standard classics where there is one underlying melody played my many voices. On the contrary, I love having multiple melodies from the different sections. I love being able to be absorbed and hear the sometimes three or four sides to the same musical story. When I got to sleep I sing songs in two or three part round to quiet the various channels of my brain, so having them all active for a musical piece if amazing.

The second and final piece was Beethoven's Violin Concerto. Definitely a very very good, standard in classical music. Not nearly as complex as the Sebelius piece, but a very good tune to spend 42 minutes on. That might seem like a long time, but it did fly by. It wasn't as complex, but it still was good.

Lotus Girl called me at like 1:20am, and invited me out with her friends for an afterbar, but then didn't call me back till almost 3 to tell me where to go. That got a little late and the will to party had dwindled.

Saturday -

I cleaned like crazy during the day, I decided it was about time Slacker Central looked good. While yes, this may have been borderline productive, I did make sure to counter that with a night full of partying.

We had our Kickball Mid-Season Party and definitely had a good time. We had a $400 bar tab and we definitely made use of it. Several of us showed up right away and started strong, I even smuggled in some jello shots! We played mass amounts of flip-cup until everyone started to get too social then just drank till they kicked up out. After that we went over to Belsky's place and partied there till about 4am.

Sunday -

Now this, which started out with a crappy hangover, turned out to be a Fantabulous day.

The plan was to have people over for a Packers-Vikings football game party. I invited work and kickball people as well as G-Spot, Hot Friend and a few other people. In all 7 people showed, but it was still good despite the fact my Packers lost.

A friend of mine from college, Indy, who I hadn't seen in nearly a year showed up with his fiancee but left at half time. Calvin, Matt from work showed and Matt brought his buddy Alan. Just after the game Hot Friend showed with her Cute Puppy (They're both redheads, how cute is that?) and a couple minutes later Lotus Girl showed as well. We all hung out and watched some TV and played some video games for a while.

About 5ish Lotus Girl headed out and about 6 the boys headed out leaving me and Hot Friend and the puppy. We decided a movie sounded like a good plan and after some chatting here and there we decided on Ocean's 12. The movie was very very good. Especially the last two thirds which we actually watched the second time through.

The roomie came home and we all hung out chatting here and there until it got to be Hot Friend's bedtime. We chatted a bit, and then she and Cute Puppy headed out. I chatted with the roomie, watched the new West Wing I had DVRed earlier and then called it a night.

Yes, indeed, Fantabulous I say.

So that's the weekend. Monday was insane at work. Gotta hate the whole revision of a revision of a revision thing. All those things were wrong with the FIRST print, would it be hard to ask for ALL of the changes at the same time? Anyway, Conservative girl went to this cooking class thing and ended up with way to much food for just herself (like 5 different multi-person meals), so, being a good friend, I volunteered to eat it. I'm telling ya, she had to twist my arm.

The bad day at work did have one major highlight: A date with Hot Friend! So far the plan is dinner, but no matter what it should be fun!

**EDIT - The Date has been postponed, apprently she has a fever and get dizzy when she walks. I offered Chicken Soup, but she's queasy too. Hopefully she feels better! :O( **

Hope you are all having a great week! Keep up the good slacking!

posted by Chief Slacker @ 1:15 PM,


At Tue Oct 25, 03:32:00 PM, Blogger dasi said...

Is Cute Puppy going on the date too??

At Tue Oct 25, 04:26:00 PM, Blogger Chief Slacker said...

Dasi - Well who knows, the CPup does have a standing invite when Hot friend comes to visit.

Pieces - YAY! Welcome back cutie! And thanks, but we'll see!

At Tue Oct 25, 10:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure she isn't lying about being sick. Chicks do that like crazy.

At Wed Oct 26, 08:49:00 AM, Blogger Anisa said...

goodness, you've been busy! glad to see you got some culture this weekend! i can only take it in small doses myself...

At Wed Oct 26, 08:58:00 AM, Blogger Chief Slacker said...

Captain B - I did wonder about that when I first heard adn called her later to no answer, but we ended up talking on the phone for an hour at like 7, so if she did cancell to do something else it wasn't much!

Anisa - Yeah I always seem to end up with a bunch to do. I like keeping busy :O)

At Wed Oct 26, 10:08:00 AM, Blogger Amber said...

I agree with s.c. -- since she's queasy, maybe you should have offered more cowbell. Ha. Best SNL skit EVER.


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